Precision-Powered Translations for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Welcome to Pharma Translator

Professional translation services that help improve global health.

We know that in the healthcare sector, every word is important.

More than translating words, we seek clarity and accuracy in a sector where good understanding is crucial.

Our mission:

Make health innovations accessible and understandable to all, and contribute to creating a healthier world.

Our working languages:

English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Dutch, and Italian

We not only translate words, but also adapt the content of a text to different cultures and realities.

Our pledge: Precision without compromise

In the pharmaceutical world, accuracy and clarity are paramount.

Our translations are done by a team of professional pharma experts to ensure the highest accuracy and reliability in every project.

Comprehensive services for a healthier World

We cover all stages of the pharmaceutical process, from the laboratory to patient care.

We ensure that each translation accurately reflects the original intent and innovation of your projects.

Our services:

Clinical trial documents

We translate protocols, consent forms, and trial results, ensuring that participants and regulators across the globe grasp the full scope of your research.

Regulatory submissions

Our expertise extends to dossiers, applications, and correspondences, facilitating seamless interactions with global regulatory bodies.

Medical journals and publications

We bring your research to the world, translating studies, reviews, and articles that contribute to the global repository of medical knowledge.

Patient information leaflets

Empowering patients with knowledge, we translate leaflets that are not only accurate but also culturally and linguistically sensitive.

Pharmacovigilance reports

Ensuring safety transcends borders, we meticulously translate adverse event reports and safety updates, keeping all stakeholders informed.

Marketing materials and websites

In the digital age, your online presence speaks volumes. We translate websites, brochures, and presentations, ensuring your message resonates globally.

The advantages of working with Pharma Translator

Accurate translations: Our team of linguists and pharmaceutical specialists ensures that each translation is a true reflection of the original text.

Culturally attuned: Beyond words, we translate meanings, ensuring that each document is culturally aligned with its audience.

Quality at source: Our multi-level quality control process ensures that each translation meets the highest standards of accuracy and excellence.

Partnering for a healthier tomorrow

At Pharma Translator we want to be more than a specialized translation service.

We want to contribute to global health.

With us, your innovations find your voice in any language, breaking down barriers and building bridges to a future where health knows no borders.

Contact us

Ready to work without language barriers?

We're here to help you share your amazing work with the world without language being an issue.

Request a free, zero-compromise quote!